Level up card - explains the 5 steps you can go through to take a simple, boring sentence to a fantastic one!
Level up template - simply add your own photo/ picture/ image: either using the link to the canva template or the word template
Create cards - Y3/ Y4/ Y5/ Y6 card - supports children to create different types of sentences based on one image. Editable template in canva and word doc
assessment grids:
print analysis
join analysis
KS1 task and ‘writing journey’ records
KS2 task and autumn, spring summer recording sheets
Designed be done sept as a baseline, mid year for progress review and end of year. Analysis grids updated at each assessment point and used to inform teaching.
PDF version and link to editable template
letter formation guide
upper and lowercase
forming numbers
handwriting position
ready to write chant
letter types - ascenders, primary letters, descenders
letter families x 4
Print and laminate, back to back meaning you have a slightly less complex card and a more challenging one. The cards offer sentence stems to support exploratory discussions - whole class and small group/ paired - across the curriculum.
Attendance pack which outlines everything parents need to know about school expectations and the new Aug 2024 guidance from the DfE
You are buying a link to the document which can be fully edited in canva
You are buying three links to the three templates so you can fully edit in canva.
These half termly overviews are great to show parents the upcoming learning for the half term. Print as a double sided sheet and/ or add to your website.
Red, blue or green colour scheme - you can edit to any colour if you use the canva link and edit in canva
A great way to share key dates with parents/ carers right at the start of the year. A handy calendar to pop on the fridge!
Support mats for Writing to Inform:
Card 1 - instructions
Card 2 - recount
Card 3 - recount without sentence checker
Card 4 - non-chronological report
Card 5 - non-chronological report without sentence checker
All cards come as a PDF and an editable Word document
4 different templates
Spelling ladders
Teachers/ children add key words they are mis-spelling onto their ladder. This could be a focus on HFW or MFW. The children use this as a mini support/ checklist until they can spell the word correctly and then tick it off/ cross it out. Once the ladder is complete, start a new one!
Just print and cut in half.
Active Listening Poster - 1 with prompt images and 1 without
Set of enlarged bubble and an enlarged AL for display - print to A4 or A3
Give me 5 poster to match
A scaffold to support children looking at model texts and unpicking their key elements e.g. purpose, vocab/ phrases, writer techniques e.g. rhetorical questions, short sentences, personification, modal verbs, etc. This helps children build up an understanding of the intended impact of the text and how the writer creates this. From here children understand the ‘steps to success’ or ‘writer’s toolkit’ or whatever you may call it!
cards are subtly numbered 1-6, each aligned to the NC expectations. Designed so teachers can ask children to focus on 1-2 sections of the guide or work through it all… dependent on the pupil/s, the time allocated to the task and the teacher focus.
Print and laminate for a handy classroom resource.
Non Fiction Approach Document
13 non fiction activity sheets AND
a set of visual organisers to support the collation of information from non fiction texts
Contains Talk Like a…
Good Citizen
The sentence stems on the cards support discussions and writing! There are 2-3 different levels depending on subject to allow for progression.
We had these cards professionally printed at a local printers, double sided with a matt laminate to avoid any reflection of light and I would highly recommend this! If you need to keep costs lower, I would suggest buying some matt laminating pouches.
The cards we use across the curriculum. Their use should be modelled and encouraged by staff. Encouarge children to challenge themselves to use a variation of stems to avoid repeating the same starters.